How To Mount Your iPhone Filesystem On Ubuntu

Do you want to browse your iPhones’ filesystem on your Ubuntu machine? Follow these instructions and you’ll have it working in no time flat.

This article assumes your iPhone is “out of jail” and has installed. If you have not already gotten this part taken care of, click here for steps you need to follow first.

1. Install SSH on your phone by the following proceedure:
2. Tap the Installer on your home screen.
3. Install the following utilities:
* Community Sources
* BSD Subsystem
* OpenSSH
4. Once your iPhone has these installed, find your IP address by going into Settings, Wi-Fi and then click the blue arrow next to the network your iPhone and your Ubuntu machine are on.
5. Turn off Auto-Lock on your iPhone, which will interrupt the OpenSSH server by going into Settings, General and Auto-Lock. Set Auto-Lock to never.
6. Now, on your Ubuntu machine, simply click on Places, Connect to Server and follow these screenshots:




You’re in! Now upload ringtones, compile hello world, slice dice and serve http via apache - whatever floats your boat.

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