Head over to
If you havnt seen android in action check it out here
GSmartControl - Hard disk drive health inspection tool
GSmartControl is a new tool that has a graphical user interface for smartctl (from Smartmontools, which is a tool for
querying and controlling SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting
Technology) data on modern hard disk drives. It allows you to inspect the
drive's SMART data to determine its health, as well as run various tests on
Note: Only ATA drives (both PATA and SATA) are supported for now.
- Automatically report and hilight any abnormal SMART information.
- Ability to enable / disable SMART.
- Ability to enable / disable Automatic Offline Data Collection - A short
- self-check that the drive will perform automatically every four hours with no impact on performance.
- Ability to set global and per-drive options for smartctl.
- Display drive identity, capabilities, attributes, error and self-test logs.
- Perform SMART self-tests.
- Ability to load smartctl output as a "virtual" device, which acts just like a real (read-only) device.
- Works on most smartctl-supported operating systems.
- Extensive help information.
What is SMART?
Short answer: SMART is a technology which provides hard disk drives with
methods to predict certain kinds of failures with certain chance of success.
Long answer: read below.
Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology, or SMART, is a
monitoring system for hard drives to detect and report various indicators of
reliability, in the hope of anticipating failures. It is implemented inside
the drives SMART provides several ways of monitoring hard drive health. It
may provide information about general health, various drive attributes (for
example, number of unreadable sectors), error logs, and so on. It may also
provide ways to instruct the drive to run various self-tests, which may report
valuable information. It may even automatically scan the disk surface in when
the drive is idle, and repair the defects, reallocating the data to more safe
While having SMART sounds really good, there are some nuances to consider. One
of the commond pitfalls is that it may create a false sense of security. That
is, a perfectly good SMART data is NOT an indication that the drive won't fail
the next minute. The reverse is also true - some drives may function perfectly
even with not-so-good-looking SMART data. However, as studies indicate, given
a large population of drives, some SMART attributes may reliably predict
drive failures within up to two months.
Another common mistake is to assume that the attribute values are the real
physical values, as experienced by the drive. As manufacturers do not
necessarily agree on precise attribute definitions and measurement units, the
exact meaning of the attributes may vary greatly across different drive
At present SMART is implemented individually by manufacturers, and while some
aspects are standardized for compatibility, others are not. In fact, most
manufacturers refer the users to their own health monitoring utilities, and
advice against taking SMART data seriously. Nevertheless, SMART may prove an
effective measure against data loss.
Yet another issue is that quite often the drives have bugs which prevent
correct SMART usage. This is usually due to buggy firmware, or the
manufacturer ignoring the standard. Luckily, smartmontools usually detects
these bugs and works around them.
Howto Install:
Download Here
Double click and click install, then execute it via Applications-> System Tools->GSmartControl
Developers Site Here
Dropbox For Linux is Now Available!
If your distribution is not listed above, or compatible with one listed above, download the source and read the readme file for instructions. After installing the package you must restart Nautilus. You can do that by issuing the following command (note: if you're running compiz, doing so may lock up your computer - log out and log back in instead): Looking for the Windows or Mac version? Dropbox is supported on x86 and x86_64 versions of Ubuntu 8.04, Ubuntu 7.10, and Fedora Core 9. There have also been reports of users getting Dropbox to work on different versions of Gentoo, Arch Linux, OpenSUSE, and Debian. If you are having trouble getting Dropbox to run on your Linux system check if you have the following software dependencies installed: Currently Dropbox for Linux consists of two major components. dropboxd is a per-user closed-source daemon process that makes sure your $HOME/Dropbox directory is properly synchronized with your other computers and our secure backend. nautilus-dropbox is a GPL'd Nautilus plugin that connects to dropboxd (via a pair of Unix domain sockets) and presents a GUI based on the information dropboxd provides. You guessed right, GPL means nautilus-dropbox is open source, and it's free software! There is nothing special about nautilus-dropbox. Indeed, any client process who follows the dropboxd protocol can implement a UI for Dropbox. The protocol is a very simple RPC-like UTF8 string based protocol. As of now there is no formal documentation on this protocol but you can always read the nautilus-dropbox source :) That's why it's open! Perhaps write your own command line interface, or a KDE interface. Yes! We have an unauthenticated repository for Ubuntu 8.04 and 7.10. For Ubuntu 8.04, add the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list or equivalent: For Ubuntu 7.10 you might want to add these lines instead: Don't fret! In the future we will be authenticating our packages. Go to the forums. There are lots of GNU/Linux friends who can help you, including the Dropboxers. If that fails, try emailing It's here! Dropbox for Linux is finally available and ready for your everyday use. Whats great about this service is you get 2 gb of space and it creates a folder in your home directory ~/Dropbox
I tested this and it works with Intrepid Ibex RC1, Just download the Ubuntu 8.04 Version or use its repository!
Fedora Core 9 (x86_64)
Fedora Core 9 (x86)
Ubuntu 8.04 (x86_64)
Ubuntu 8.04 (x86)
Ubuntu 7.10 (x86_64)
Ubuntu 7.10 (x86)
$ killall nautilus
System Requirements:
How does it work?
Is there an Ubuntu repository?
deb hardy main
deb-src hardy maindeb gutsy main
deb-src gutsy mainHaving Issues?
Sun Just Released VirtualBox 2.0.4!
VirtualBox 2.0.4 (released 2008-10-24)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
VMM: better error reporting for VT-x failures
VMM: don’t overflow the release log with PATM messages (bug #1775)
VMM: fixed save state restore in real mode (software virtualization only)
GUI: work around a Qt bug on Mac OS X (bug #2321)
GUI: properly install the Qt4 accessible plugin (bug #629)
SATA: error message when starting a VM with a VMDK connected to a SATA port (bug #2182)
SATA: fixed Guru mediation when booting OpenSolaris/64; most likely applies to other guests as well (bug #2292)
Network: don’t crash when changing the adapter link state if no host driver is attached (bug #2333)
VHD: fixed bug which prevents booting from VHD images bigger than 4GB (bug #2085)
VRDP: fixed a repaint problem when the guest resolution was not equal to the client resolution
Clipboard: don’t crash when host service initialization takes longer than expected (Linux hosts only; bug #2001)
Windows hosts: VBoxSVC.exe crash (bug #2212)
Windows hosts: VBoxSVC.exe memory leak due to a Windows WMI memory leak (Vista only) (bug #2242)
Windows hosts: VBoxSVC.exe delays GUI startup
Linux hosts: handle jiffies counter overflow (VM stuck after 300 seconds of host uptime; bug #2247)
Solaris hosts: fixed host or guest side networking going stale while using host interface networking (bug #2474)
Solaris hosts: added support for using unplumbed network interfaces and Crossbow Virtual Network Interfaces (VNICs) with host interface networking
Solaris hosts: reworked threading model improves performance for host interface networking
Windows additions: fixed crash when accessing deep directory structures in a shared folder
Windows additions: improved shared folder name resolving (bug #1728)
Windows additions: fixed Windows 2000 shutdown crash (bug #2254)
Windows additions: fixed error code for MoveFile() if the target exists (bug #2350)
Linux additions: fixed seek() for files bigger than 2GB (bug #2379)
Linux additions: support Ubuntu 8.10
Linux additions: clipboard fixes (bug #2015)
Web services: improved documentation and fixed example (bug #1642)
VirtualBox 2.0.4 for Linux
Please choose the appropriate package for your Linux distribution:
- Debian-based Linux distributions: Add one of the following lines according to your distribution to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb hardy non-free
The Sun public key for apt-secure can be downloaded here. You can add this key with
deb gutsy non-free
deb dapper non-free
deb lenny non-free
deb etch non-free
deb sarge non-free
deb xandros4.0-xn non-freesudo apt-key add sun_vbox.asc
or combine downloading and registering:wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
The key fingerprint isAF45 1228 01DA D613 29EF 9570 DCF9 F87B 6DFB CBAE
Note: Ubuntu users might want to install the dkms package (not available on Debian) to ensure that the VirtualBox host kernel module (vboxdrv) is properly updated if the linux kernel version changes during the next apt-get upgrade.
Sun Microsystems, Inc. (xVM VirtualBox archive signing key)
Howto: Run Google Android on Ubuntu
Well I just ordered my T-Mobile G1, I have been waiting for this phone for 2 years from when I first heard about it. I also wanted to share with everyone that you all can experiment with the G1 before you even get it. This is mainly for developers to test apps, but you can have fun testing the os, browser and some limited applications.
Howto: Install Google Android SDK in Ubuntusudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin
(If you are on a x86_64 system), you also must install ia32-libs:sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
Now go to
Download and right click extract android to any directory of your choosing, then cd to tools in the android directory then double click on emulator!
Have fun!
Think Firefox is Fast? Try Minefield
Mozilla has Unleashed a new Browser in the works, its alpha/experimental.
Minefield is, in fact, a way to glimpse into the future of Firefox, as it's a pre-release/alpha version of the Firefox browser.
After spending some time with Minefield, one thing is clear: the future of Firefox is fast. Lightning fast.
How fast? Some claim that it has the fastest javascript engine on the planet, which means it leaves Google's Chrome browser in the dust. In my own unscientific tests, I'd say that this assertion is correct. Ars Technica pegs Minefield as 10 percent faster than Chrome.
You can download the latest nightly build for Mac OS X, Linux, or Windows, but be warned: it's alpha code. While a quick scan of the Web shows few complaints as to stability, Minefield may not be for you. It doesn't support some of my favorite Firefox extensions (like Adblock Plus), but it actually has surprisingly good support for extensions, given that it's a fast-moving project.
Simply Download the file to your desktop, right click extract and double click the minefield binary, or create a launcher on your panel that executes firefox with -P to create a new profile.
Release Candidate for Ubuntu 8.10 is Out
The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the Release Candidate for Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop and Server. Codenamed "Intrepid Ibex", 8.10 continues Ubuntu's proud tradition of integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution.
New Features since Ubuntu 8.04
These features are showcased for your attention. Please test them and report any bugs you find on Launchpad: .
GNOME 2.24
- Ubuntu brings you the newest GNOME 2.24 desktop environment with tons of bug-fixes and new features, some of which include:
- Nautilus file manager has tab support (by Christian Neumair) and Eject icons for removable drives in Places sidebar (by Stefano Teso, Cosimo Cecchi, Christian Neumair, and others).
- File Roller archive manager now supports ALZ, RZIP, CAB, TAR.7Z file types also (by Paolo Bacchilega and Changwoo Ryu).
X.Org 7.4
- X.Org 7.4, the latest stable version of X.Org, is available in Intrepid. This release brings much better support for hot-pluggable input devices such as tablets, keyboards, and mice. At the same time this will allow the great majority of users to run without a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. A new failsafe X is introduced, to give better tools for troubleshooting X startup failures.
- The fglrx and two of the older nvidia binary drivers are not available for X.Org 7.4 yet, so users of these drivers will be automatically switched to the corresponding open source drivers.
Linux kernel 2.6.27
Ubuntu 8.10 Beta includes Linux kernel 2.6.27, a significant release with better hardware support and numerous bug-fixes.
Encrypted private directory
The ecryptfs-utils package was recently promoted to Ubuntu main, with support for a secret encrypted folder in your Home Folder (by Michael Halcrow, Dustin Kirkland, and Daniel Baumann).
You can help test this new feature by going to Applications → Accessories → Terminal and typing:
sudo aptitude install ecryptfs-utils
Guest session
The User Switcher panel applet (package fast-user-switch-applet) now provides an extra entry for starting a Guest session (by Martin Pitt). This creates a temporary password-less user account with restricted privileges: the account cannot access any users' home directories, nor permanently store data. This is sufficiently safe to lend your laptop to someone else for a quick email check.
Network Manager 0.7
Ubuntu 8.10 Beta ships Network Manager 0.7 (by Dan Williams and others), which comes with long-expected features, such as:
- system wide settings (i.e., no need to log in in order to get a connection)
- management of 3G connections (GSM/CDMA)
- management of multiple active devices at once
- management of PPP and PPPOE connections
- management of devices with static IP configurations
- route management for devices
More information can be found on the Network Manager wiki.
DKMS (by Dell) is included in Ubuntu 8.10, allowing kernel drivers to be automatically rebuilt when new kernels are released. This makes it possible for kernel package updates to be made available immediately without waiting for rebuilds of driver packages, and without third-party driver packages becoming out of date when installing these kernel updates.
Samba 3.2
A lot of new features have been added in Samba 3.2 amongst them:
- clustered file server support
- encrypted network transport
- ipv6 support
- better integration with the latest version of Microsoft Windows™ clients and servers.
PAM authentication framework
Ubuntu 8.10 Beta features a new pam-auth-update tool, which allows simple management of PAM authentication configuration for both desktops and servers (by Steve Langasek). Packages providing PAM modules will be configured automatically, and users can adjust their authentication preferences by running sudo pam-auth-update.
More information can be found in the Ubuntu wiki.
Totem BBC plugin
Ubuntu 8.10 Beta features a new plugin for the Totem movie player that fetches free digital content from the BBC. To enable it, start Totem (Applications -> Sound & Video -> Movie Player), enable the plugin (Edit -> Plugins -> BBC content viewer) and select "BBC" from the drop-down labelled "Playlist". The feed is fetched from a staging server at the moment so there may be a delay while it is downloaded.
Thanks to the BBC and Collabora for their work developing this feature.
To upgrade from Ubuntu 8.04, press Alt+F2 and type in "update-manager -d" (without the quotes) into the command box. Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release '8.10' is available. Click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions.
Get it while it's hot. ISOs and torrents are available at: (Ubuntu) (Edubuntu add-on) (Kubuntu) (Xubuntu) (UbuntuStudio) (Mythbuntu)
Local mirrors are also available:
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Howto: Burn Audio Cd's From mp3 in ubuntu
Recently I had to burn a audio cd from mp3 for my girlfriend because her car stereo doesnt support mp3 cd's ugh.. So initially I tried brasero, with the audio project button and added the mp3's, then I clicked burn, and guess what, it burned the mp3's right to disk without converting them to cda format lol! Yea its been a long long time since I had to burn a audio cd, im usually copying mp3's to ipods/mp3 players and cellphone's. But Anyways Here is how you burn an audio cd:
First grab k3b by clicking here
Now once that is installed grab libk3b3-extracodecs by clicking here
Click on audio cd project then navigate to your mp3 folder and just click once on the files u want copied over to disk, then click burn
That was easy, now for the less easier part that still is pretty easy... Now open up k3b via Applications->Sound and Video->k3b
Upgrade from Hardy Heron to Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex
Right now would be a great time to upgrade ubuntu, most of the bugs have been fixed in the previous release and their is plenty of new driver support.
Press Alt+F2 and type in "update-manager -d" (without the quotes) into the command box. Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release '8.10' is available. Click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions.
If you have a separate home partition and dont mind reinstalling the os, download the iso, reboot and install with jfs.
I have noticed a dramatic speed increase formatting the partition to jfs, jfs definately boots much faster and accesses files/programs quicker for me.
I got tired of ext3 a year ago, switched over to reiserfs, and that was super fast, jfs is even faster and way more stable.
Download the Intrepid Ibex beta iso from here
New: Opera 9.6 Released!
A new Opera 9.6 is released! I definately prefer firefox for now until Google Chrome is officially released for linux, hopefully with extensions. I am about to try out this new opera with you all, here is the new features from the Opera Website:
Download Here
What's New?
New and improved features in Opera 9.6
Opera Link
Custom search engines and typed history (typed history is only the history you explicitly type or select from the address bar) are now joining bookmarks, notes, personal bar and Speed Dial in Opera Link.
Opera Mail
Feed Preview
Now you can preview an RSS/Atom feed before subscribing.
Follow/Ignore threads and contacts
Follow and Ignore are new features for users that receive numerous messages. It makes it easier to dismiss unimportant messages and easier to recognise important messages.
* Activate this feature by selecting Follow/Ignore in the email context menu (or click the message subject header), then select either Follow Thread or Ignore Thread.
* Also, you can click the names in the From or To headers to enable the following or ignoring of contacts.
Go To Thread
You can now also use "Go to thread" which means that you can view only the messages from that thread. This is useful for those that employ flat view.
Low Bandwidth Mode
Low Bandwidth Mode is a setting on mail accounts that makes Opera Mail use as little bandwidth as possible.
* For IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol): Opera will only synchronise new messages and it will not fetch message attachments unless requested
* For POP (Post Office Protocol): Opera will not fetch more than the first 100 lines of a message unless requested
Opera Scroll Marker
The new Opera Scroll Marker makes it easier to continue reading when you scroll through a Web page. At the end of the page it will indicate the previous position of the bottom of the screen so you can easily see where to continue reading.
Enable Opera Scroll Marker in the Preferences dialog box. Navigate to Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Browsing > Show scroll marker (check box).
* Check the box to enable Opera Scroll Marker
* Leave the box unchecked (default) to keep it disabled
Using the opera:config Preferences Editor opera:config#UserPrefs|EnableScrollMarker, you can also set Opera Scroll Marker to show every time you scroll less than a full page down or up. The options in the drop-down menu are:
* 0 — off
* 1 — show when reaching the bottom or top of the page
* 2 — always show when scrolling
Changes since Opera 9.52
User Interface
* Opera now remembers the bookmark panel position after restart
* Added a setting opera:config#UserPrefs|ShowBookmarksInAddressfieldAutocompletion to prevent bookmarks from showing in the Address field auto-completion drop-down
* When setting opera:config#TransferWindow|KeepEntriesDays to 0, Opera now removes the transfer history when restarting
* Sites using HTTP Auth are now saved in typed history
* Opera now stops loading pages with iframes when closing the page or pressing stop
* Page encoding in site preferences can now be reset to automatic
* Browsing Intranet sites now works after changing proxies in a running session
* Improvements to Opera Link include the synchronization of search engines and typed history
* Changed the default global history to 1000
* Added a new default speedial.ini
* Fixed sorting by progress in Transfers
* Fixed copying of multiple entries from the history manager
* Fixed a bug that could cause notes to be lost when using certain characters
* Fixed dataloss situation when note folders had more than one line in their name
* Fixed spurious highlighting when using the space character in inline find
* Fixed an issue that would prevent links in frames from being opened by the keyboard
Mail, News, Chat
* Added popular Chinese providers in mailproviders.xml
* Made all top-level access points (except All Messages) selectable
* Now copes better with broken POP servers that send empty UIDLs
* The "Large font" setting is now respected for subjects
* Cache files from feeds no longer show up in Transfers
* Feeds are now detected even when served as text/html
* Fixed the synchronization of removed labels for IMAP accounts
* Fixed an issue where the signatures wouldn't change if the default account signature ended with a space
* Fixed an issue where sent message bodies could disappear under certain circumstances
* Fixed DCC transfers in IRC
Display and Scripting
* Improved Acid3 support: The document property has been removed from iframe objects for compatibility with Gecko, WebKit, and the Acid3 test
* Added support for the caller property on functions:
* Special characters are now displayed properly in the Address bar drop-down
* Opera Dragonfly element highlighting no longer stays on the page after closing the developer tools window
* Script focused elements are no longer highlighted
* Fixed saving of SVG when right clicking
* Fixed an issue where custom search engines would not get a favicon
* Verisign and Comodo are now formally EV-enabled: see Yngve's blog post
* Fixed an issue where specially crafted addresses could execute arbitrary code, as reported by Chris of Matasano Security; see our advisory
* Java applets can no longer be used to read sensitive information, as reported by Nate McFeters; see our advisory
* Added the Opera Core version (currently "Presto/2.1.1") to the User Agent header
* Improved performance with large wand.dat files
* Fixed Fast Forward on Google search results pages
Unix-specific changes
* Upgrading Opera on Debian no longer resets default x-www-browser
* Fixed an issue where text with specified size suddenly disappears on Qt4 builds
Click Here to Download, Select Hardy if your running intrepid for now
New: Ubuntu tweak 0.4.0 Released!
After two months of development, another milestone version of Ubuntu Tweak is released: that’s Ubuntu Tweak 0.4.0!
The development of this version was taken a long time, because I was busy in my holiday and the new term of college. But I never stop developing with Ubuntu Tweak.
Now it must be the most ever powerful version. Let’s see what Ubuntu Tweak 0.4.0 like:
As you’ve known from One year old of Ubuntu Tweak, Ubuntu Tweak had been redesigned with a new GUI, now it’s more usable in some low screen resolution computer(EEE Pc etc.)
Besides, another new feature has been introduced to Ubuntu Tweak after I finished the GUI design. That’s the “Package Cleaner”.
After a long time of using Ubuntu, after many times of installing and updating, I think there’s a lot of packages that are useless in your Ubuntu, it is called the “Garbage Package”. So is the package cache.
Now you can clean up them easily through Ubuntu Tweak!
If you’re a skilled user of Ubuntu, you must know the opertions can be done by run “sudo apt-get autoremove” or “sudo apt-get clean” in termianl. But Ubuntu Tweak can do it better, you can remove the packages(or cache) in your mind.
For example, you want to remove most of the unneeded packages, but want to remain the old kernels. So you can just select what you want to remove, and click “clear”. If you do with “apt-get autoremove”, all the packages will be removed by once.
Following pictures show how you can clean up packages and cache by Ubuntu Tweak.
Ubuntu Tweak will automately list the unneeded packages(or cache), you can clean up of them by selecting what you want, or just select all.
The pictures show the old kernel can be removed.
The same to clean cache, it will free your disk space.
I hope this feature will help you to manage your Ubuntu with a better solution.
Ubuntu Tweak 0.4.0 has also many other updates, see other pictures:
More powerful Thid Party source:
I’ve made this feature more powerful, now you can get the source details. The homepage, the url, and the long description, You’ll know all thing about the sources.
By clicking the url, you can browser the packages through your web brower, so that you can determine whether this source is what you want.
Change the GNOME Panel Logo
Now you can change the logo of GNOME Panel easily!
Just prepare a png file with size 24×24, and Ubuntu Tweak can help you put it on.
Do you see that I’m using Compiz Fusion as my Panel’s Logo?
Templates and Scripts support directory now
Now you can manage them by creating folders!
If you have many templates or scripts, I think the improvement is useful to you!
New User Folder Settings
I’ve made many changes of User Folder Settings, Now with a new GUI, and you can restore the dictory to the default settings.
Oh, I forgot to tell you, Ubuntu Tweak 0.4.0 has got fully support of Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid!
If you’ve upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10, you’ll continue enjoying with Ubuntu Tweak!
Upgrade and Downloads
It’s hot and you should upgrade it immediately!
If you are use Ubuntu Tweak through its repository and you’ve upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10, please changed the sources to Intrepid:
deb intrepid main
deb-src intrepid main
If you still using Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy, the old source is still be used.
deb hardy main
deb-src hardy main
Or you want to go and download it from here: downloads
Well, tell me how do you like this version!