Communicate in Style With the New Synapse Instant Messenger!
There is a new IM app on the block, its called Synapse, it is a new alpha application which means its not nearly finished yet, from the screenshot at the side it looks amazing!
Here is some of Synapse's Key Features that already stand out from all the others:
- Grid View - A Compact way to see/browse your friends!
- Activity Feed - Unified View for friends activity ie; Twitter, IM Status, Music playing & More!
- Photo Sharing - Flickr Integration, Drag & Drop images to chat window!
- Web Preview - Get a glance of a webpage or video behind a link right in your chat window when you send/share a link!
- Code Sharing - Syntax Highlighted code blocks for easiy collaboration
- Highly Extensible - Plugins are added with extreme ease, and the architecture wont hold developers back in creating new plugins/addons
Howto Install on Ubuntu
Please note that Synapse is only supported on Ubuntu version 8.10 (Intrepid) or later. If you are running an older version, you’ll need to upgrade first.
- Save this key file to your desktop.
- At the top of your screen, select System → Administration → Software Sources.
- On the Ubuntu Software tab, make sure that both main and universe are checked.
- On the Authentication tab, click the Import Key File button and select the key file you saved in step 1.
- On the Third-Party Software tab, click the Add button, and paste the appropriate APT line for your version of Ubuntu:
Intrepid 8.10:
deb intrepid main
Jaunty 9.04:
deb jaunty main
- After adding the source, press the the Close button at the bottom of the Software Sources window. When asked, click Refresh.
- Back at the top of your screen, select Applications → Add/Remove. Search for synapse, then in the results check the box next to Synapse Instant Messenger, then click Apply Changes.
- NOTE: Some users have reported Synapse does not show up under Add/Remove. If you are unable to find Synapse using Add/Remove or Synaptic, Select Applications → Accessories → Terminal, and then type sudo apt-get install synapse. We hope to have a solution to this problem soon. If you have any problems, please see the Support page.
You can learn more about adding repositories and installing software in the ubuntu documentation.
Other (Source Code)
For information on how to build Synapse from source, see the Contribute page.
Developers Site
Other Os Download Locations/Install Documentation
Ubuntu Jaunty Hits Beta
As always the ubuntu developers have worked tirelessly to bring us another Beta release which should be stable enough to test for most people here are some of the features you can look at while downloading the iso or doing a release upgrade:
To upgrade from Ubuntu 8.10 on a desktop system, press Alt+F2 and type in "update-manager -d" (without the quotes) into the command box. Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release '9.04' is available. Click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions.
To upgrade from Ubuntu 8.10 on a server system: install the update-manager-core package if it is not already installed; edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=normal; launch the upgrade tool with the command sudo do-release-upgrade; and follow the on-screen instructions.
If you choose to download the iso be sure to backup your home directory to another partition and checkout ext4 filesystem for improved performance.
Here are the new features since intrepid:
- GNOME 2.26 - For a Good review of the gnome changes look here
- Improved handling of multiple monitors with an updated gnome-display-properties by Federico Mena Quintero.
- X.Org server 1.6
- New style for notifications and notification preferences - for an example check out the flash video here
- Boot performance - A number of improvements to the Ubuntu start-up process bring significantly improved boot performance to Ubuntu 9.04 Beta. Please open bugs if you experience any degradation, and tag them with boot-performance.
- Ext4 filesystem support - One of my favorite additions, it improves boot performance and overall filesystem performance
- There is a ton of other bug fixes and misc features added, Its been stable for me since alpha 3.
Get it while it's hot. ISOs and torrents are available at:
- (Ubuntu Desktop and Server) (Ubuntu Education Edition) (Kubuntu) (Ubuntu Netbook Remix and Ubuntu MID) (Xubuntu) (UbuntuStudio) (Mythbuntu) (Ubuntu ARM)
Howto: Install Google Chrome Alpha in Ubuntu!
For the past couple of years I have been waiting and waiting for the possibility for a Google Browser, there has been rumors over the years and finally Google came out with Chrome. Unfortunately Google Chrome was only released for windows, only until now there is a semi working gui that is actually usable!! Yea I just logged into my gmail account 5 minutes ago with Chromium for Linux! Im impressed, I thought it would never get to this stage, but it has, currently there is allot of issues to be resolved like the sandboxing for example There is also quite a few issues that you can follow here
If you would like to help with its porting efforts you can go here
FAQ: no native 64bit debs planed for now. The amd64 package is using ia32-libs.
Anyways let me show you how easy it is to install and start browsing!
First lets add the chromium ppa, head over to here
Select your Ubuntu version in the drop down where you see:Display sources.list entries for:
Then input those apt sources into System->Administration->Software Sources-> Click Third-Party Software Tab, then click +Add to add the apt sources
Now press ALT-F2 and enter gedit, paste this into gedit(its the ppa key for security)-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Version: SKS 1.0.10
Now save the file and click +Import Keyfile on the Authentication tab of Software Sources, then click close. Then refresh your sources.
Click these packages to install them
Once installed Execute Chromium via Applications->Internet->Chromium Web Browser
Now enjoy using Google Chrome in linux, and watch it progress!
Howto: Easily Get free newsgroup access over ipv6 in Ubuntu!
Did you know you could get almost anything off of usenet/newsgroups? Yea you can get 0day movies, music, games, apps, linux distro's and anything else you could imagine right off of newsgroup servers. I have been using newsgroups for years to get what I need, torrents are too resource intensive and sometimes crash routers and modems. So here I will share how you can setup Sabnzbd with a few newsgroup providers that offer 100+days retention at a completely free price :)
First you'll need to grab Sabnzbd, I currently use a premade deb from here
The latest version is version 0.4.7 which can be directly downloaded here, be sure to check the above url for an updated version if this post gets old.
Once installed run sabnzbd from the command line and open a browser window to http://localhost:8080/sabnzbd/config/server/
Now enter one of these free servers for ipv6 access:
If I didnt specify a port its 119
password: anything
Username: anything
threads : 8
threads : 3
speed : 50 per thread
3. readnews
Threads: 8
Speed: 5 kb per thread
Retention:40?? days
4. (I use this one)
Retention 120 days. Unlimited speed.
Retention: around 100 days too, Unlimited???
Signup for Xsnews here and enter your email address, they'll send u a username/password
Free Trials:
Threads: 1
Username & password: see
Speed: 60 kB/s
Port: 23
Threads: 4
Username & password: make something up, more than 6 characters.
Retention: 25 days
Speed: 25/30 kB/s per thread
Ok Now input one or all the servers in sabnzbd
You can get free IPv6 access through Freenet6. Visit Freenet6 and register yourself to obtain username and password.
Now lets set up ipv6
Click Here to install tspc or:
sudo apt-get install tspc
Press Alt-F2 then do:
gksudo gedit /etc/tsp/tspc.conf
Find the userid line and enter your useid for freenet6, then find the passwd line and enter your password you set, then set the server as
Like this:userid=your-name
Save the file and exit, then open a terminal:sudo /etc/init.d/tspc restart
Now lets check if tspc created a new ipv6 interface:ifconfig
You should see something like:sit1 Link encap:IPv6-in-IPv4
Lets use ping6 to ping google to make sure its working...defcon@pc:~$ ping6
PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 2001:4860:b002::68: icmp_seq=1 ttl=57 time=117 ms <--good stuff :)
64 bytes from 2001:4860:b002::68: icmp_seq=2 ttl=57 time=131 ms
Ok now we got ipv6 setup in ubuntu, this worked perfectly for me with Jaunty.
Now head over to Newzleech or binsearch and leech away!
Here is some other Cool Stuff you can do with ipv6
March Donations & Site Update
Thank you Richard H for your donation to Ubuntu Unleashed!
Richard H From Austria- $5.00
I will continue to share Donations to this site in weekly posts, thanks allot for your support!
Ubuntu Unleashed wouldn’t exist without support from readers. Thank you for deciding to keep Ubuntu Unleashed up and running.
Currently Ubuntu Unleashed makes around $100.00 usd per month with adsense, my total costs per month to survive are $1000.00 usd, This covers things like: food, rent, internet and electricity. My website hasnt been updated because im doing side jobs and other things to survive right now, but hopefully Ubuntu Unleashed can help support me more so I can continue to share great articles and news which I love to do.
I have been wanting to improve the user interface of Ubuntu Unleashed and create a user generated part of this site. I would like this site to be more of a news oriented site that developers can go to to share their new project. Possibly with a rss feed of new releases from project sites all over the web. If you are a web developer and share my passion in open source and Ubuntu, and want to help me improve Ubuntu Unleashed, Contact me below
Or via email @ defconoii at gmail dot com
Howto: Save Money in this Recession by making free Computer To Phone Calls with Google Voice and Gizmo5!
Omg I am so happy Google Voice is out, and it got released in perfect timing, cell phone rates are high, home phone rates are high and people are getting broke quicker, including myself(already broke) Google voice also has the ability to send/recieve free texts!, and you may be able to get free calls by adding your number to your service if you are allowed to call certain favorite people for free :) Now I'll explain how to make free calls with Gizmo5 and Google Voice to save you some money!
Google voice also had the ability to send/recieve free texts!
Ok First and foremost you need to have a Grandcentral account as of this moment for migrate over to Google Voice.
If your an existing Grandcentral user you will need to login here and click upgrade to google voice
Or create an account at if it lets you yet, because Google Voice will be rolled out slowely all over the united states.
Once you got a Google Voice account all set up, grab Gizmo5 from Here(There is also other os versions at that link as well!)
Grab the debian .deb
Double click it to install, click Accessories->Internet->Gizmo5
Follow the directions to create a gizmo5 account.
Once created Click Home->Edit Profile
Now Copy your Sip #
1. Sign in to Google Voice.
2. Go to the Settings link at the top right of the page.
3. Click the Add/Edit Number link right above your phones, to the right of the page.
4. Click the Phones tab.
5. Click Add a new number.
6. Select Gizmo in the Phone Type drop-down menu.
7. Enter your SIP number without 1.
8. Enter a name for that phone, if you want.
9. Click Save.
Woohoo ok now we are all done setting it up, now lets get to calling :)
You will need to place all your calls with your Google Voice account, you click Call, Enter the number you want to call, select Gizmo with the dropdown list of phones you want to ring, then select Place Call.
Gizmo will ring and connect you to any United States phone number for Free.
Also if you have a Android Based G1, in a few days Evan will have an app released for the G1 to make calls with Google Voice More Info Here
Feel free to donate any small amount to Ubuntu Unleashed by clicking donate on the top right, right now this is my only job ;\