Qemulator Virtualization Solution for Ubuntu Feisty
I just ran into another Virtualization solution called Qemulator, it is a full featured emulation suite for the qemu virtual engine, written in python GTK/Glade2. I have not had the chance, time yet to test it out, but by the looks of the screenshots, it may be better than Vmware, please let me know what you think if you have tried this before I have.
Qemulator provides an easy and fast to use image and device management, a "My machines" list and interactive job control.
It comes with a list of all running jobs from where you can open the contol panel for each job and performing on demand action. Full interaction for mounted volumes, usb devices, keyboard and mouse interaction, screenshots, wave capture and save/restore machine state and open vnc viewer is provided.
The project is still under development. Current version should run stable on most Linux machines providing allmost all functions of qemu, but there are still some works to do.
Qemulator comes with its own easy to use graphical installer.
Qemu 0.8 - 0.9 compatible
- Changed filesystem and boot logic to a more simple and clear context
- Many new qemu options found their way to the gui
- Many functions are enhanced by image autodetection
- Added new guided dialogs to add new machines and to install new systems
- Creating of new images now includes all common qemu-img options
- Implemented Exporting of a VM configuration as shellscript
- New translations: Catalan, Slovenian
- Many bugs fixed (see buglist)
For full list of changes read the release notes on project home or distributed with the package
Qemulator 0.5 - Ubuntu package
Download distributed from www.uv.es/cuan/repos/
Many thanks to Toni Cuñat for the packages!
PGP signature file: qemulator_0.5-1ubuntu1.dsc
Repository address has changed, so add this new sources to your apt package management to keep qemulator up to date with your regular system updates:
deb http://www.uv.es/cuan/repos feisty extras
deb-src http://www.uv.es/cuan/repos feisty extras
Attention: You can use this repository without any harm to install and update Qemulator for Ubuntu 6.06 although it's a feisty repository. If there will be other programs on this repository in future, it is highly recommendet, that you don't install them on your dapper (Ubuntu 6.06) system, because genrally some feisty packages can harm or even destroy your dapper system!
Packages in this repository can be gpg authenticated. The key that is being used for signing the packages is 532190AF. You can enter this key into the APT trusted keys database with the following command:wget http://www.uv.es/cuan/repos/532190AF.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -