Howto: Install Safari on Ubuntu with Flash and Shockwave! (Hulu, Youtube, Shockwave Works!)

Ok ive been browser hunting and seen a lot of hype about Safari browser's speed so I decided to give it a whirl, I managed to get it install with Flash and it works very well with youtube and hulu ! Here is how I got it installed, let me know how it goes if you decide to check it out!

By the way im impressed with the speed, its as fast as firefox, if not faster! (unforunately its not open-source :(

First lets install Microshit's Core Fonts and wine within the Terminal Applications->Accessories->Terminal
sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts wine

Second Make sure wine is set to use the windows version Xp, just click Applications/Wine/Configure Wine
or type "winecfg" in the terminal

Third lets copy Microshits Core Fonts to the wine font directory!
cp /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial*.ttf ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts/
cp /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Times_New_Roman*.ttf ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts/
Make sure wine is set to use the windows version Xp, just click Applications/Wine/Configure Wine
or type "winecfg" in the terminal
Lets download my backup of Safari or download here
wine SafariSetup.exe
Uncheck ”Install Bonjour for Windows” and “Automatically update Safari and other Apple Software.” after accepting the terms then click install!

Ok now that Safari is Sucessfully installed in Ubuntu lets install flash for safari!
wine install_flash_player.exe

Now Safari is Installed with the correct fonts and has flash, so lets execute Safari From Applications->Wine->Programs->Safari

Install Shockwave:
You gotta download and install shockwave slim or full from the adobe site then:
You need to copy the files located in the adobe shockwave dir to the Safari plugin dir
cp -R ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/Adobe/Director/* ~/.wine/drive_c/"Program Files"/Safari/Plugins

Then Check Safari's Installed Plug-ins under the Help menu to see which plug-ins Safari is able to find, it should be there!

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